The typical first post.

This is my first post of my brand new blog. It seems as if a first introductory post is a right of passage in the blogosphere, so I decided ...

This is my first post of my brand new blog. It seems as if a first introductory post is a right of passage in the blogosphere, so I decided to ride the bandwagon (how conformist of me).

I had another blog which spanned 2 years, but I deleted it. I wasn't impressed by the outcome of the blog, despite my "hard work" I put into it. I also felt that it was inferior compared to my other favorite blogs.

During it's decline I started another blog which has more success compared to my old blog. Although the view count isn't as high as I want it to be, I have a small yet dedicated readership base who check on it from time to time (according to my statcounter page).

I have learned a thing or two since my old blog (I hope). Hopefully this blog will have more followers compared to my old one and will be more successful.

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